I just came off of Spring Break. LOL, they should call it spring work. I didn't get no break. Yeah school was out but you know what that means, everybody wanna occupy your time now. Geez homies give a sister a well deserved rest. Everyday, I was up and out the house by the time 9, doing things here and there. The weather was pleasant some days and others the rain was so depressing. Poor April and it's bad rep for wet weather.
On the up side, come Monday morning I felt great. Surprisingly well rested and looking forward to going back to class. It's weird with me. As much as I hate doing school work and actually making my way to school. I love learning and i get a sort of high when I understand new things. Sooooooo, great news for when I returned... I got a 52 out of 50 on my economics test, I got a 91 on my italian test, I got an A on an Eng presentation, an A- on an Eng paper and an B+ on another Eng paper. I totally rocked out these classes this semsester., even though they are much harder than lst semester.
A little update on my life...over the vaca my bf and sis had a falling out but my persistence mended the fam back together. I don't mean to boast but I realize that I always get what I want out of people, and I mean that in the most sincerest way possible. LOL. Anywho, through this mis-communitcation, I feel that my relationship with my sister has improved and so has my relationship with my bf. One week can truly make a difference. Oh, and over the vaca I also realized how much of me is my mother. I am like her mini me and I mean that in almost every way. It was scary...everything she would say when I can to confide in her, everything she would do, I was like OMG!!! Mommy you are just like me. I'm stoked to think that I will be just like my mommy when I grow up.
ummm..........I'm pregnant..........................LOL, that just came out of nowhere. I'm not really but I realized ovver the vaca that I am in no way shape or form ready for kids. I am just to selfish for that right now, LOL, not to say that I was planning on having kids any time soon but you catch my drift. I think I am just in love with the idea of kids and what that would mean for me in the future. Also, I'm dying to see what they are going to look like. ----Sorry for that leftfield topic.
My hair has grown, though it is becoming a lot a bit unruly. I'm on the market for a great leave in conditioner and a deep conditioner, something to make me pop. I was unsuccessful this past week in finding one. It also has to be inexpensive, these are hard times man!
Sooooooooooo in addition to all this mess, guess who I spoke to. My sister in law, yep the one who did not want to call or come by and see the fam. ---My sister was on the phone with my brother and I told her to tell him to tell her hi for me (I'm a total sucker, I don't like staying mad at people. My motto *Can't we all just get along*. ) and then he put her on the phone for me to talk to her and she gave some excuse about being teed off with my bro as the reason for not calling or stopping by (ya see, I told ya!). So I asked her when she was coming to see us and she said she will be by next week. Hopefully she doesn't go back on her word and she comes to see us. ----This puts Chynell (my sis) in a sort of pickle. She took Tricia out of the wedding and replaced her with Esther (our new friend). Now what if Tricia comes back into our good graces, what if she apologizes for her actions and wants to be in the wedding. I'm glad it isn't my choice to make. LOL, then we would have to search for another groomsman.
Sorry for the dis order of the post, I just don't know when the next on will be. I've maintained my weight, my hair has grown a full 3 inches, I'm ordering my summer shoes this week (no doubt), my skin is sort of clearing (crediting drinking only water), and my sis is looking at condos and houses.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Until next time,
How to Pick Your Perfect Lip Color
2 weeks ago