So my brother's wife, a lady that I came to adore, went off to Iraq a couple months ago. While there her and my brother got into deeper problems and their relationship was on the rocks. We thought that when she came back all will be well again, but so is not the case. This past week was to be her welcome home party. Plans changed as she was detained at a base in California. We were really anticipating her return, expecting her to come back on the Wed. and it was on Friday that we saw our brother. He informed us that his wife was safely home...since Tuesday...home boy say WHAT!!!!!
So the chick did not have the decency to come see us, she could not even call and let us know she was home. HOW RUDE! I mean the audasity (check my spelling) of some people. Iraq must have really messed with her head. Case in point, or point in case ( I can't remember how the saying goes), before she left she and my grandmother were close, she always came by to check on her if nothing else. When she came back my brother informed her about my grandmother's surgery and she did not even pass by or call....NOTHING.
Now, she has been given the boot from being in my sister's wedding. She was suppose to be the matron of honor. Poor her, I don't even know if she is invited anymore, being that my sister is much more upset than I am. LOL, I have so much anger for her right now, I'd slap her if I got the chance, I mean I'd give her a peice of this newly found musce (thanks to my exercise).
In addition to that, I think I'm upset with my brother. I mean if my boyfriend did not have the decency to come visit my grandmother after surgery he would be catching hell from me morning, noon, and night. I don't think he was pushing the issue, justing letting her be rude to his family. He needs a backbone in my opinion and he needs to take his place as the heaad in the marriage. Just my thoughts, please weigh in if you so desire.
Until next time,
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