Monday, November 30, 2009
Black Friday Realization
First thing is, I was not planning on going until like a day or two before the "big day". So given this, I was not able to hype myself up and get prepared properly for the shopping. My mother ended up feeling sorry for me, lol, I think and she gave me money to get the stuff that I needed. Plus my sister was fussing about how I could not ditch her because every year we go out and shop. So armed with a card full of cash and my sister at my side, I walked into the mall. Now because I got accustom to spending wisely and thinking twice before every purchase, the "deals" didn't seem like real "deals" to me. I walked in and out of almost every store and did not pick up anything. It was terrible, I would see something I liked and pick it up, inspect it and the price, then put that sucker right back on the rack. Knowing the situation that my family is in, I just cant spend the money because it is there. I know that the money can and will eventually go to something more important than a shirt or a pair of jeans or shoes that I could have bought. Usually, I'm so absorbed in the hype that I forget that the money doesn't really need to be spent. I over do it sometimes and it doesn't really benefit me. Materials things can always come and go. My new view on things helps me to realize the more important things and I value this experience because it will help me make wise decisions in the future. Many people I know spend plently money that they do not have. At least I see myself ahead of the curve. Even though I have it doesn't mean that I should spend it.
Lesson learned.
Until next time, (I'll be patting myself on the back)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
And you thought you weren't being heard?

Over the hills and through the woods...
The company was great, everyone was talking and reminiscing about old times in Trinidad (I don't ever know what they are talking about but it is always nice to listen and laugh at the things that use to go down). Even my bf was chimming in from time to time about his adventures in Trinidad, I was soooooo jealous. We ended up playing some silly games with my little brothers. What made it even more fun was the bubblegum flavored vodka that my brother brought in tow.
My grandfather is like one of the funniest people I know, I love bussing a lime over by him. Everything is just always so fun. Everyone has a great time and never wants to leave. It's just the best.
Until next time, (I'll be yumming on some left overs)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
You remember BRACEFACE?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Great News Across The Board
Until next time,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
This weekend my family is going down to his home to spend some time with him, on his turf. He made it very clear that he is not cooking even though the man could throw down (he's just being mean). But of course Mommy Elsie volunteers to cook everything, she never wants to take a break from being in that darn kitchen. But I think my sis and I will take over just this once and put something really nice together. I think we are gonna try something new, something ummmmmmmm, well all I got is something new, can't think of anymore adjectives at the moment. The reason behind this is, every time we make something for the first time it comes out GREAT but then the times that follow, it just never comes out the same.
LOL, I started this post about my grans and ended up talking about food. How convenient! LOL, I'm hungry.
Until next time, (I'll let you guys know what gets cooked)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Meet My New Buddies!!

She is a beauty, this I know. How perfect we would be together (if I get my way and pout a little more, I think I'll be able to really introduce her to the rest of my friends ;-) My bf will cave eventually, hopefully)
Not to be out done by any means... here is

Now she could really become my bestie this winter. Perfect shoe for outings when it is a little chilly. The pewter shade is just right in my opinion.
Sooooo I have a little obession with shoes and I'm not planning on getting counseling any time soon. Shoes make me crazy, like loco, nuts, retarded even, sometimes. I don't care where I am, if I see a perfect pair of shoes I have to stop and stare. If I have the guts I'll ask the chick where she copped them from. But I choose wisely, I only buy those shoes which I cannot live without (which has recently grown into a long, long list). My mom already warned my bf about the heavy duty responsibility of keeping up with my shoe shopping hobby. HEHE! Relax people, if they want to be my friends, I do not discriminate by any means. Boots, stilettos, sandals, my arms are open 24/7. Plus, its not like he is going anywhere, so YEAH, I have a shoe problem and most likely you will be supporting my habit. WHAT PUNK! POP! (I should be glad he doesn't read this you boo boo)
So do you girls get giddy over a great pair of must haves???Share, share and share some more!Until next time, (Donations are excepted at all times...I'm, really, I am!)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Coping with 6 ft Under.
Sometimes I see people laugh when others die, I see them take a vow of silence, I see them cry until they get sick, I see them not able to enjoy themselves anymore-all ways of coping with death-and I never understand how it is that people re-act to the same problem in so many ways. Now I'm not saying that I want someone close to me to die so I can understand the feeling but it is just something that amazes me. It's not only death, but a range of problems really. Everyone deals with and tries to get over their troubles in different ways even if it is the same exact problem.
Have you ever had to cope with the loss of a loved one? Did you and your family react the same way? Just wondering, I would really like to hear your experiences.
Until next time,
Moving Out.

So my sister is getting married next year, and of course she will be moving out, but I don't get why she is so excited. I mean I'm excited. I don't have to share my room anymore, I've been sharing it with her since I got out of my crib (true story). I don't have to deal with cleaning up after anyone, I don't have to worry about people telling me that I'm messy when I wanna be. It's gonna be great, I just know it is. But why is she so happy? Can't be for the same reason because she is going to be sharing her room with someone else, lol. So I seriously can't understand.
When I get married, I know I'm going to be besides myself with sadness. I don't want to live anywhere else. I love my house. Me, moving out, I don't think so. It just won't be right. The house would be sooooooo sad without me. I know it would be. And no one can't tell me different. My parents have been complaining a lot lately about moving back to the Caribbean because they can't deal with the cold weather any more. So I suggest that they stick it out until I'm ready to get married. By then the house would be paid off in full, and when I come home from my honeymoon, they would be shipped out to good ol' Trinidad (or Florida, whichever). Yea, I would miss my fam but I truly think I would miss the house a lot more. I don't know how long it would take me to get comfortable in another house. It might take years. So this is my plan. Now all I have to do is convince everyone to go along with it. My father is cool with it, my mommy looks at me like I'm crazy and my bf laughs in my face every time I bring it up or sneak it into a conversation that has nothing to do with the topic of possible homes after our marriage. He has this idea that when he moves out his mother's house he is moving far away from the ghetto. I try to explain to him that I dont live in the ghetto (yea right). My block is full of private homes owned by respectable, hard working old people. He says I live in the old ghetto, lol.
Well you can't blame a girl for trying. I just might be moving out, but I won't do it without a fight.
Until next time,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Down Sizing???
Well, I can't really say the same thing for how life is treating me now. It's just not right. When I need something I got to let my parents know and then it has to be added to a list that matches its priority. So like if I needed a new winter coat it would go on a list with other things that were similar (the bills get paid first of course, lol). Now, this isn't easy living for me or anyone else in this house. My little brothers, who aren't so little in size (Terrance, who is 12, is already looking down at me. It's sad.) have to wait a long time for things they need, because necessary things for boys are so much more expensive than for girls and there are three of them. Getting accustom to this sort of lifestyle is difficult. I always thought people on tv were making something out of nothing when they had to down size but in all honestly it is hard. You get so use to living a particualr way, then BOOM, sorry you can no longer do things you use to do, and enjoy your money the way you want to (well at least enjoy the fruits of my parents labor).
Have a lot of you had to down size or get use to spending less or recieving less?
***BTW, it is not that I am a spoiled brat or anything like that. I ould get a job, that is true. But my parents want me to focus on school and take as many classes as I can at a time (hence, my 6 classes this semester). This leaves little time to get a job. I won't be able to find the hours to even work PT.***
Until next time,
Friday, November 20, 2009
Professor's Comment...
So my professor was explaining something to the class and made a btw comment about a particular religion. All of a sudden the heads of certain individuals started to shake, their eyes were rolling around, they were sucking their teeth etc. And this question automatically popped into my head, why is it that (a) certain religion(s) get a bad rap set apart from others? If you claim to be a member of one religion people accept it as normal and move right past it but if you state that you are part of another one, they give you that look like "why?", or "what's wrong with you?" or "REALLY?!?".
In the past when I have brought this question to individuals they gave me reasons that were so unsound. Some of them did not know why they were in a way prejudice to other religions and others said the stupidest things, like "It sounds weird" (what sounds weird? Till this day I have no clue), "they bother me", "my parents told me they were crazy", I mean how old are you?!? There were only a select few who knew "absolutely" why they gave certain religions a bad rap(sorry for the sarcasm). After speaking with them and clearing up ALL of their misconceptions, they too had nothing to say and realized that they were being unfair and jugdemental. People get all up in arms when others are racist but to them it is ok to discriminate against religions. If you really look you can practically find double standards everywhere. It's a shame.
Well now that I got that off my chest...How was your day out there in blog world?
Until next time, (comment if you please)
Those Darn Kids

Friday, November 13, 2009
Freaky Weird Guy...Updated
Until next time, (Don't mess with the S, cuz Supergirl is the beSt)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My (one of many) Obession

I get so excited by shows like Jon & Kate plus 8, Golden Girls, The Emperor's New Groove, Fraiser, Cougar Town, Heros, and the list goes on and on. Almost every channel has a show that I watch and that I'm completely in love with. I just think that if I could some how make a profession out of watching tv I would be making the big bucks and wiping my pits with benjamins BABY!!!! (whoa...bad mental image)
But the show that takes the cake for me...drum roll please...Grey's Anatomy. Some people totally hate this show and some people think it is the best thing since...(thinking)...ummm, lets choose Ralph Cramden in the Homeymooners (the original, not the knock-off with Cedric the Entertainter, btw sooo disappointed with Gabrielle Union for actually playing in that garbage, was money that tight???). Anywho, GREY'S ANATOMY!!!, I can't get enough of this show. This is one of the few series that air re-runs and I can without a doubt kick back and remember the ol' days, when Burke left Christina at the alter or when Miranda's husband was riding her back because of the little time she was spending at home. And talk about the medical cases...I love it, I love it all. But with all honesty, my thursday nights are dedicated to Grey's Anatomy then by default I got hooked on Private Practice via Addison's move from Seattle Grace to the Wellness Center in L.A.
Tonight though required crying on my part, as does every other episode(in between me yelling at the screen). The chief is battling some demons and his exit on the show had me crying..ooooooooooooo, plus Izzy gonna have the nerve to come back and be all crazy on Alex, but he knew what was up and he put her in her place. YEA!! That's what you get for walking out on my homeboy. Don't step sideways cuz he get dirtay!--Private Practice was cool tonight too, which had me crying at the end when the lady delivers her baby then dies (boo hoo), but then I started yelling at Sam and Addison because they taking liberties and kissing it up. Like hellooooooooo, why ya'll thinking that Naomi ain't gonna find out, or do you suckers even care. (Na, girl, I got your back).
So, I know most of you are totally lost on this post but Grey's Anotomy holds a special place in my heart (shout out to the bf for putting me on, even though he dropped the show like a pancake the season after I started watching--should I be reading into that, humm--which always seemed sketchy to me since he was in love with the show). If any of you are die hard GA fans, "holler" at me, lol. I can go on and on, mainly because I have no one to talk the show over with anymore.
:-( I'll be waiting.
Until next time, (go watch GA!!!!!)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Time Ain't Waiting No More...
When I was younger and summer vacation came around, it felt like forever would pass before September came chugging along and we'd all get nervous for the first day back. We actually had time over the vacation to relax, to enjoy everything little thing that wasn't available to us during the school months. NOW!?! It's like as soon as June ends September begins, no time to take a breather and just do nothing. This past summer flashed right before my eyes (partly because I was in school for both summer sessions) but also because time ain't waiting no more. It flies by with the only quckness. I remember vividly it being Sunday night and I'm driving to the shop to pick up the soap for my face and some nail polish. It is already Wednesday night, which means that the end of the school week is tomorrow, which means that Friday (which happens to be my favorite day out of the week) is almost here, which means that Sunday is almost here as well, again. Where the hell is all this time going???? (My little brother said that the time is being sucked into outer space because of global warming...everyone in the room stopped for like 45 seconds looking at everyone else, like is this dude for real. Granted he is 10 years old, but who says that. LOL)
Now I'm already paranoid about getting old and wrinkled up but I'm feeling like my life is passing by and it's not even having the decency to stop and say "What's up?!", like hello I'm standing right here, don't be rude. I JUST turned 20 this past July, and it's almost December, which means that it's almost January, which means that in seven months after that im going to be freaking 21. What kind of unfair crap is that?
So, I'm not tripping right? Everyone feels like time if flying by, it's not only me... (Even if you don't, just say something so I don't feel crazy).
Until next time, (which will be upon me very soon, gosh)
Sunday, November 08, 2009
As for the movie...I still can't decide whether I liked it or not. Come to think of it, I don't even think I know what the movie was about. The acting was as expected but I think it's the plot that remained ambiguous the ENTIRE movie. I heard it was based on an old episode of Twilight Zone, so if you're into that "stuff" then I suppose this is right up your alley. As for me, ummm, a little unsatisfied. Sorry this can't be more helpful, it's just like it leaves you wondering from beginning to end. I heard some people say they loved it and some were cursing that they wasted their money. Last words, totally subjective. If you guys see it, let me know what you think about it.
Until next time,
Friday, November 06, 2009
Movie Night
***Bonus- You see his buttocks, lol. When that scene came on I could see my bf turn and look for my reaction. I had to play cool, but inside I was like OMG! HIS BUTT! He was gorgeous from the front in 300- as the head of the Spartans- but he was extra gorgeous from the back in this movie. With that said I think I should have been hired as a promoter for this movie, cuz I bet a lot of you want to catch the END of this movie. I crack myself up, lol.***
But tomorrow we are scheduled to leave home at 5 pm, go to Abercrombie & Fitch to look for winter coats (I don't understand my bf's obsession with A&F), then make our way to the theater for 7:20 pm to see The Box. Now I'm sort of on the fence cuz I do like morality movies (hence my love for Law Abiding Citizen) but I don't think I fully understand the story line of the movie. I'm hoping that I like the movie and don't end up feeling like I wasted 12 bucks to see it cuz I will be dwelling on everything else I could have used that money to do. I dunno, maybe like two sandwhichs at Subways or a bottle of GOOD nail polish (I've been eyeing Zoya's new fall line).
Also I'm attempting to re-create a meal one of my friends had at a hotel via room service tomorrow: Garlic Chicken wings and Garlic Fries. Now my breath might not be on point after this meal but garlic things just taste so good. I blame the Indian in grandmother would put garlic in everything if you gave her the chance.
So I'll be letting you guys know how the movie turned out and also if I was able to successfully cook up some chicken wings.
Until next time,
Two sides to the coin
How rude!!!
So I've come up with a plan. Every time that they send me out to do something, that allows me to go someplace that I want. So if I run three errands today (which will most likely happen), I'll get to go three places that I want to go. Only problem is, if I went to tell them this brilliant plan of mine, they would only laugh in my face. Life just isn't fair.
What do your parents make you do, that they could do for themselves?
Until next time,
Thursday, November 05, 2009
The Freakiest Thing
Well yesterday I had my share of creepy bizzare crap. I'm leaving one of my English classes and one of my classmates stops me...he is a white male in his 20's wearing a business suit (just so you get a picture). Backtracking a little bit...I don't consider myself to look half bad, I am aware that someone may be consider me attractive...but at Baruch I don't really run into many people who would come out their face and say so. I mean, no one ever really hits on me, which is just the way I like it. Now if I would have went to a school like New York City Tech with my other friends, I would have needed to invest in a fly swater to keep the homeboys away. I say that with all seriousness. So, I'm walking out of my class and he stops me (though he has never spoken to me in the past) and says "Hey I need to speak with you". Now a million things run through my mind, like did I say something to offend him in any of my comments...Well guess again Chyvone.
Homeboy asks me to step to the side to let me know that he has been watching me since classes began and that he finds me very attractive. He noticed that I wear a ring on my ring finger and he did not want to tell me anything out of respect. LOL, but now he thinks that he should tell me how he feels regardless of my "home situation". He asks me out to dinner. Trying not to laugh in his face (cuz this is sooooo weird to me) I kindly decline his invitation and let him know that I'm in a relationship. As I'm walking away down the hall, this wacko yells out at the top of his lungs that he has a girlfriend too but he has been dreaming about me and he wants to get to know me.
Are you kidding me right now????????? If only I could show you guys how wide my eyes opened up. Now they are already big, but I knew they got gigantic. What kind of crazy talk is that? I go from having no one approach me, to having this psycho tell me he is dreaming about me. I don't even think I want to go back to class anymore. I mean, what did he think I was gonna say when he told me that he dreams of me. That is beyond every freaky, creepy thing that has every happened to me. WHY ME?
What has been the weirdest thing that anyone has ever done or said to you?
Until next time,
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Where I Am Right Now...
I've been trying my hardest to hurry up and complete my classes in order to finish school early and START my life. Only thing is, now that I'm almost finish {three classes left :-) whoo hoo} I don't know what I want to do in the near future. I was always so sure that I wanted to go into the magazine business but last year I had a revelation and realized that though I love beauty and fashion, writing about it just isn't as fun as dabbling in it. So now I'm going down the road of teaching and I'm absolutely excited about that. I don't feel like I'm giving anything up or settling and that's a good thing, all things considered. But as grad school is concerned, I am completely lost as to what I would like to study. Right now I'm majoring in English Literature and it's cool , but getting my Masters in it just doesn't appeal to my inner being. At this point, nothing appeals to anything. I know I want to teach English to high school students but I don't necessarily want to be a master in eng lit. Sooooooo conflicted with what I should do.
***Side note- Living in New York leaves you open to the weirdest things. I'm going home on the 6 train this evening and I see a bum laying on the floor in front of the door yelling at god knows if that wasn't wacko enough, his pants are pulled down past his butt and people are just stepping over him like he is a piece of trash on the floor. How random?! ***
LOL...this just popped into my head...There is a business space that gets rented out on my block from time to time. It has been a barber shop, a beauty salon, a clothing "boutique", and a candy shop, all of which have gone out of business within 6-7 months. As of now it is a beauty salon/barber shop and I never see anyone in there when I pass by {which just happens to be two or three times a day}. So I'm wondering 1. if they have no customers, how are they paying the bills and 2. when are they going to shut down? That doesn't sound to nice but I'm tired of dealing with the guys to stand outside the shop spewing their lame lines at me. That is so selfish of me but I feel like they are unwanted visitors on my block and I do not remember asking for company.
Until next time,