Now a lot of things have happened to me in the past that I wouldn't exactly label as normal. If I say so myself, they were beyond freaky, creepy, _______(another synonym). Anywho, coming to Baruch, I have never encountered anyone or anything out of the ordinary...well maybe that's because I don't talk to many people here but that's a whole other topic.
Well yesterday I had my share of creepy bizzare crap. I'm leaving one of my English classes and one of my classmates stops me...he is a white male in his 20's wearing a business suit (just so you get a picture). Backtracking a little bit...I don't consider myself to look half bad, I am aware that someone may be consider me attractive...but at Baruch I don't really run into many people who would come out their face and say so. I mean, no one ever really hits on me, which is just the way I like it. Now if I would have went to a school like New York City Tech with my other friends, I would have needed to invest in a fly swater to keep the homeboys away. I say that with all seriousness. So, I'm walking out of my class and he stops me (though he has never spoken to me in the past) and says "Hey I need to speak with you". Now a million things run through my mind, like did I say something to offend him in any of my comments...Well guess again Chyvone.
Homeboy asks me to step to the side to let me know that he has been watching me since classes began and that he finds me very attractive. He noticed that I wear a ring on my ring finger and he did not want to tell me anything out of respect. LOL, but now he thinks that he should tell me how he feels regardless of my "home situation". He asks me out to dinner. Trying not to laugh in his face (cuz this is sooooo weird to me) I kindly decline his invitation and let him know that I'm in a relationship. As I'm walking away down the hall, this wacko yells out at the top of his lungs that he has a girlfriend too but he has been dreaming about me and he wants to get to know me.
Are you kidding me right now????????? If only I could show you guys how wide my eyes opened up. Now they are already big, but I knew they got gigantic. What kind of crazy talk is that? I go from having no one approach me, to having this psycho tell me he is dreaming about me. I don't even think I want to go back to class anymore. I mean, what did he think I was gonna say when he told me that he dreams of me. That is beyond every freaky, creepy thing that has every happened to me. WHY ME?
What has been the weirdest thing that anyone has ever done or said to you?
Until next time,
How to Pick Your Perfect Lip Color
3 weeks ago
OMG poor you! I don't think he had a girlfriend he probably just yelled that out because he felt rejected. Good luck in class with that.
yeah..i agreed with Gayane. He might be ashamed of the situation. anyway,be careful with that guy. good luck!
I gotta disagree. I mean, 'omeboy's got a suit on. Guy's probably got a real girl, and we should feel sorry for her.
lol, I don't know what to think, but I do know I'm leaving that class right after it's done. NO LINGERING. and poor me is correct.
Funny situation right there..I thought after he screamed: "I have a girlfriend too", Ashton Kutcher will jump out screaming "You Just Got Punked!" lol...
lol...instead it was dead silent which made it all the more uncomfortable. It wasn't as though we were the only ones in the hallway.
omg LOL. some guys just don't stop. some guy called me a slut after i politely told him i'm engaged and not interested. but good luck in that class. awkward turtle..
that is so weird. i wonder what your next class with him will be like. and yes I definitely agree, poor you. =[
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ok that was toooo funny. He yelled that out in the hallway??? INSANE.
Yeah watch out for him after class, make sure he isn't lurking behind some corner.
Hey love the music on your page
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