Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Review Tuesday
Monday, December 29, 2008
Backed up & Mane Monday
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Will Power Wednesday complete with Daily Consumption
I was suppose to start the pilates exercise routine since last week but you know how the life of a procrastinator goes...I made excuses about having finals last week, now I'm making excuses about resting up from all the hard work those finals put me through. I am definitely starting today though. My mother has agreed to be my motivation.
*As grown as I think I am and as independent as I try to be, I rely on my mother for so much support. Words of advice from her makes me hop to it whatever the case may be.*
Are you self motivated to eat right and exercise or do you need peer motivation? With me eating right, I'll do that on my own, exercise, which requires movement and drive, oh no, I'll watch TV instead.
I've found that if you are a self motivator, starting out at the gym isn't the best idea. Begin at home, do a couple of tapes (Billy Blanks, Gilead). When you feel more comfortable exercising in front of people venture out in to the world of the pumping iron. Me personally, I hate gyms. It's so stationary. I'll rather hit a boxing bag, go jogging, go swimming, or just run around a park with my little brothers for exercise, but that's just me.
On the other hand if you need motivation and you are not recieving it from home then the best thing to do is join a class. Don't go to the gym by yourself thining you'll find motivation in all the other people working out. You'll see them with all their disgusting energy and want to walk right back out whence you came. Joining a class gives you peers that will look forward to seeing you every week (however frequent the class is), a support system from people who are also trying to get in shape and time for you to worry about yourself and nothing else.
Think about it, let it marinate a little in that nuggin of yours, plan your form of attack and execute. LOL, I think I heard that from somewhere, sounds cute.
Morning (8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m.) Eat breakfast, it's a must. I usually eat a fresh fruit, banana is my first pick. Drink water.
Mid morning snack (11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.) I'll take a Kashi granola bar where ever I'm going. You know, the seven whole grains on a mission...I really like the Peanut Butter and the Honey Almond Flax flavors, they don't taste like healthy snacks. Drink water.
Lunch (1:00 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.) Maybe a turkey snadwhich, a salad, a slice of pizza if I'm feeling good. If I'm home I'll eat whatever my grandmother cooks, always in small portions. Drink water.
Mid day snack (anytime until dinner) Another fruit, handful(s) of nuts, Fruit Snacks. Drink water.
Dinner (5:00 p.m.- 7:00) Once again, whatever food my grand mother cooks, in small portions. Drink water.
After that time I'll monitor myself. I'll note when I'm planning to go in my bed and stop eating two hours before that. Yes, if you are planning on going to sleep at two in the morning you can eat until midnight. Two hours gives your body time to digest and break down the food even if you are just up watching the tube.
If I'm extremely hungry at night I'll make myself some toast with cheese and tomatoes, yummy by the way, and of course wash it down with water.
Some say that it is not wise to count calories but I say that it is important to estimate. Adults are suppose to consume on average 2,000 calories daily, so make adjustments where needed. Small but frequent meals does the trick for me. I'm watching what I eat without going hungry.
*Side note- Salty snacks are always better that sugary ones. Now don't go binge on a bag big bag of chips and say to yourself at least you're not eating a carton of ice cream. They are both bad ideas.*
Do you have a routine that you normally stick to? What's your favorite thing to eat when you know you have to watch your caloric intake?
Until next time,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Finally it's happened to me dah da dah da dah dah dah...Who sings that song? & Review Tuesday

Monday, December 22, 2008
IN LOVE !!! and Mane Monday
*Side note- My little brother is 14 going on 15, the age I was when I started dating Mr. Young, but I can't see my brother being old enough to have a serious relationship at his age.*
Five years later I still feel as though I'm falling in love. I still get butterflies when I see him walking up the driveway, I still smile when I see him looking at me from afar, I still feel giddy when he tells me one day I'll be his wife..........I'm so in love.
Friday, December 19, 2008
FASHION FRIDAY IS HERE...so is the snow...

I hate matching everything...when things just GO TOGETHER I feel my best.

Short and sassy, a staple in SJP's wardrobe. If only you guys could see the shoes she banged out with this dress. TO DIE FOR... I'm holding my heart right now.

Ms. B, Ms. B, Ms. B... you look fabulous in gold, all the time, every time.

I can't deny that Zac Posen's creation on B. is fierce.
I adore their sense of style. Subtle but yet very sexy. Their confidence while wearing the clothes shines through...and talk about their taste in SHOES, the thing most dear to my heart.
This leads me to my next question...What is your favorite footwear? You can be specific or general. Where do you shop mostly for your shoes, high-end retail or $10 shops? Do you buy shoes for a specific occasion or do you shoe shop just because?
Until next time,
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Embarrassing Moments & Update Thursday
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Will Power Wednesday complete with Delicious Appetizer Recipe
10 ounces raw shrimp, peeled, deveined and chopped
6 ounces flaked crabmeat, squeezed dry if necessary
1 large egg white, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1/4 teaspoon salt, preferably kosher
1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper
1/3 cup fine, unseasoned dry breadcrumbs
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1. Thoroughly mix shrimp, crab, egg white, mustard, hot pepper, salt and Peppercorn Blend in a bowl. Shape into 8 patties, each about 3/8 inch thick. Spread breadcrumbs in a shallow dish and coat the patties on both sides with crumbs.
2. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over low heat; add crab cakes and cook until golden on both sides, about 3 minutes per side.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Review Tuesday
Monday, December 15, 2008
Gross Details...1st Mane Monday.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Good News, Shocking News, and FASHION FRIDAY!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bad Hair Day & Update Thrusday
I recently started roller setting my hair for myself and I haven't gotten this thing down packed as yet. Things still stick out, come out, unroll...anything you can think of. I have the most fly-aways I've ever seen, I did not think this was possible it's so bad. My bang that's growing in is sticking up all over the place. AHHHHHHHHH! I want to cry or something, I don't want people looking at me like this, it's horrible. So for the remainder of the day I'll stay in the corner with my hood on my head. This is so tragic.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What's to Come...
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
The Beginning of a New Life
So this weekend was a blast. I did no homework, I made chilli (which everyone loved) and then on Sunday evening my darling sister got engaged. I'm so happy and yet so sad at the same time. I mean no one really understands the relationship that we share, we truly complete one another. My sis, born 1 year, 1 month and 1 day ahead of me, was lost until I was born, or so I would like to think. Growing up, the lines between big and little sister were very often hazy. We never really looked at the other as older or younger, we are basically the same age, that is until one of us wants to act a fool but I digress. Without the other, we were never really happy. When we go out guess who's tagging along. When we make plans, guess who double checks every detail. We can not exist without each other, our bond is so much deeper than that of two sisters, lol, it's like we are soul mates...that doesn't sound too "correct" but you catch my drift. My sis knows me inside out and I would not have it any other way. What am I going to do without her???????????
The ring is gorgeous if I say so myself ... I can't wait to start planning the biggest day of her life!!
So if you could choose how you were proposed to, what would you like, how do you envision saying "Yes"? If you are alerady married, how did it happen for you? Were you shocked or did you expect it? Did you cry or laugh or hit him...share and don't spare the details everyone.
Something that I truly consider a no no in the book of proposal is the way my Dad proposed to my Mom. My sis and I were already born and he tells my Mom, "Well I guess we should just get married already, huh?"
I leave you with these words of wisdom...If he proposes to you that way...hit him, yell a little, then if you really love him say YESSSSS.
Until next time,
Monday, December 08, 2008

Ok, so I asked you guys what love means to you and I'm hoping from the flood in of comments...LOL...that love does truly hold a special place in your lives and you are no stranger to the many joys that love can bring to each and every one of us.
Friday, December 05, 2008

Thursday, December 04, 2008
Who are your friends?

Until next time,
Super Powers Anyone?

This makes me think about what super power I would want to have if it were possible. Just off the top off my head, because I am always running late for everything and procrastinating , I would want to have the power of rewinding time. This would really come in handy on a day to day basis.
What about you? What super power have you always dreamed of having?
And of course, this is making me think of something else...Have you guys heard about Beyonce wanting to be Wonder Woman in the up coming remake?
Do you think she would make a good Wonder Woman? I'm pulling for her, she definitely has the body for it.
FYI- The original Wonder Woman was Lynda CARTER, if Beyonce is chosen, her last name is CARTER as well. Thanks Jay-Z!!!
Until next time,
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Nightmares of the Fashion Police

Waking up with this on my mind was quite a shocker. I hate being reminded of this crap, and am I kidding myself with this??? Eating lunch with the chick? NEVER!!! Cordial, yes, friends, never in a million years!
So this had me thinking, is this in my subconscience or something? Are dreams really part of what you think about, what you want to happen? So conflicted in my mind. I have to go look up dreams in my Pysch textbook.
On to my selfish question... Am I wrong for telling people to throw their clothes in the garbage and start from scratch?
I try not to do it but I don't want people walking around looking busted. I understand some people have their days when they are in a rut BUT everyday is a NO NO. No excuses for that nonsense. What's your take on my dilemma?
Until next time,
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The new commercials just aren't what they were when I was growing up. What happened to the theme song, "I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys "R" Us kid".....so many memories.
Every time I would hear this song I would tell my grandmother " Granny Lynn, I want to grow up, I want to be a teacher", she remembers that till this day and smiles every time. Funny thing is, after a lot of searching I'm thinking of pursuing a career as an English professor. How about that!!!
What did you want to be growing up? Did you actually end up fulfilling your dream?
This makes me wonder...time to melt another one...did any of you have expectations from your parents and extended family about what path you should pursue? Was it just suggestions or did you feel backed into a corner at any time?
I hated this growing up. Everyone in my family was going to school for a career in the medical field, this seemed to be the only thing that would satisfy anyone. When I changed my mind about being an obstetrician, talk about disappointing cards, phone calls, visits, you name it. Those were the times when Toys "R" Us theme song would have come in handy, not growing up would have totally been an option I would have considered.
Talking about this makes me think about how I actually began thinking about being an OB/GYN. When we were home in the summer time, my past times were sleeping and watching TLC's A Baby Story, are any of you fans of TLC? Anywho, watching this shows and my obsession with babies molded this thought in my head that I could actually go through with this, which I actually ended up dropping my first year in HS. Science is not my thing... learned that the heard way. The dream was fun while it lasted but finding out how much I really love to read and write in HS has helped me to shape my future goals.
Watch out for my novel to hit stores in August, which August exactly, I'm not sure but when I publish a book I want it to come out right before schools opens so it could be added to their lists of books to read.
Yay me and my drive to succeed! Are there any short or long term goals you want to see through whether it be about life, love etc.?
Until next time,
Monday, December 01, 2008
Wedding Jealousy?